miércoles, 9 de octubre de 2013

Welcome to all,

This is my second blog post about my internship with the EMSB. I will be describing my first evening at an open house and certain things that I have observed during  my time there.

To start off, the 3rd of October 2013 was the beginning of my internship.Unlike the others, My schedule is very flexible. My hours are counted for each open house I visit and so far, I have visited only one. My task was to evaluate the open house of the Royal Vale School from 7 pm until 9 pm. As soon as I stepped into the school, I felt the warm English ambition with every step I took. I noticed how different school can be depending on the language taught in the educational institute. The English culture was present because I observed how the school teachers and principal smiled and welcomed the parents of their students. I also noticed how the English language is spoken unceasingly by the visitors and teachers.During my whole life, I have never been surrounded by so many English speakers at once. It felt very delightful  knowing that other people share a common language with me.Unfortunately, I did not learn any new words nor any new language structures. I hope to learn new words and meanings during my next visit. 

Also, I observed how parents interacted with each other. Their way of speaking English is slightly different than what I expected. I was presuming on hearing much more profound and very explicit, yet what I heard was if I may say the "English Montreal". The mix of French and English completely flabergasted me! That evening, I was not in the company of  my host named Daniel. I think that if he were present, it might have helped me discover new words from an enriched English speaking man. 

In conclusion, my first evening went utterly average and hopefully during my next visit to an open house, I will be closer to my goals of vocabulary enhancement.

on this note,



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