jueves, 28 de noviembre de 2013

Mastering the basics!


My sixth blog entry will be about how my understanding and vocabulary in English has thoroughly expanded since the beginning. Likewise, I will be numerating the changes that I believe have been caused by this English internship such as accuracy,fluency and accent.

Vocabulary lesson

At the very beginning of the session, my opinion on my English speaking was pretty modest. Knowing that my vocabulary was not fully enriched, I thought to myself that I had some work to do before achieving perfection.Yet, after a 30 hour English internship, I have not reached my goal.Obviously I have learned new words and an expression, but I am not pleased with this.On another note, some of the learned words are : loonie and toonie which mean 1$ and 2$. The context of this was when I walked towards the cafeteria to buy a snack and as I got to the cash register, I realized that there was not a credit machine. Not knowing what to do, a nice gentleman asked me " what do you need?a loonie or a toonie?" At first, I did not know what he meant by that until he showed me a hand full of coins.I then concluded that it must be an English saying. I searched it up online that evening and discovered that it is known throughout the country. In the end, I felt proud of learning a new way of designating a dollar and enhancing little by little my English.

Time for change

I am convinced that this internship has helped me improve my English speaking skills based on the improvement of my accuracy in speaking, my fluency while speaking and my accent.To prove these statements, I will be explaining by using an example.Time for a little anecdote in the life of Saul. A few days ago while being present at my internship, I had a conversation with a woman named Yibing. She is a co-worker of my host.The conversation started well, though the night before, I had trouble sleeping which made me very drowsy and inattentive when someone was speaking to me.Knowing this, you are all probably thinking that the conversation went haywire. In fact, I was able to keep up with a good rhythm of speech,well articulate and express myself with ease. At some point of the conversation, I was dealt with a challenging of pronouncing the following word "philosophical". During a regular day, I would be capable of saying this word without a problem, though, because of the lack of sleep, I was sure that I was going to have to refer to the French language to say this word.( the conversation weirdly turned into a questionnaire about my college classes, that's why I had to talk about my class known as "philosophy") but I did not because my fluency,accuracy and accent did not interrupt during the conversation.This said, I believe that I became better in English thanks to this internship.


To conclude, my overall English speaking skills have improved and I am satisfied with this.

Until next time,


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