2,4,6,8 ..no it's 5 !
Dear people of the world,
In a matter of seconds, you will be reading my fifth blog entry which will contain the following : cultural observations of the English culture, a contrast between English and French culture and the types of English I have been exposed to during the past few weeks.
English culture observations
During my last visit to an open house, it was obviously English but I had the chance to notice certain remarks that can define that school as an English school. The first fact is the name of the institute,"JFK" stands for John Fitzgerald Kennedy who was the 35th President of the United States. This symbolizes English culture because of the good deeds that this president has done in American history. The second fact would be the music playing in the halls.Of course it was popular hip-hop songs from Hollywood.This characterizes English culture in most schools because if we were to compare these schools to the French ones, the difference lays within the language.As a former French high school attender, I have lived through French culture and what defines it the most is their literature.I remember visiting french television sets and meeting french Montreal celebrities. The differences are major when it comes to both of these power cultures.
Types of English in Montreal
Throughout my internship, I have definitely heard many kinds of English. It wasn't as if it were a different language,but in the way that people express themselves,it is very noticeable to all. This was mostly common among the students who attended the open houses. The way they talk is very mellow and informal. It is a combination a bad behavior and youth. I have heard slang such as (pardon for the foul language) : "yo gee this teacher is breaking my balls." As you may notice , this is utterly disgusting and should not be the sort of vocabulary a teenager should be using in open houses. In retrospect, I haven't encountered an enormous challenge when it comes to my communication in English. Thus far, the best part of my internship is discovering new schools in different areas of the city.
Last step : concluding
Finally, I have seen many sort English speakers and hopefully I will uncover new ways to view the differences between two opposing cultures.
as always,