jueves, 31 de octubre de 2013

2,4,6,8 ..no it's 5 !

Dear people of the world,

In a matter of seconds, you will be reading my fifth blog entry which will contain the following : cultural observations of the English culture, a contrast between English and French culture and the types of English I have been exposed to during the past few weeks.

English culture observations

During my last visit to an open house, it was obviously English but I had the chance to notice certain remarks that can define that school as an English school. The first fact is the name of the institute,"JFK" stands for John Fitzgerald Kennedy who was the 35th President of the United States. This symbolizes English culture because of the good deeds that this president has done in American history. The second fact would be the music playing in the halls.Of course it was popular hip-hop songs from Hollywood.This characterizes English culture in most schools because if we were to compare these schools to the French ones, the difference lays within the language.As a former French high school attender, I have lived through French culture and what defines it the most is their literature.I remember visiting french television sets and meeting french Montreal celebrities. The differences are major when it comes to both of these power cultures.

Types of English in Montreal

Throughout my internship, I have definitely heard many kinds of English. It wasn't as if it were a different language,but in the way that people express themselves,it is very noticeable to all. This was mostly common among the students who attended the open houses. The way they talk is very mellow and informal. It is a combination a bad behavior and youth. I have heard slang such as (pardon for the foul language) : "yo gee this teacher is breaking my balls." As you  may notice , this is utterly disgusting and should not be the sort of vocabulary a teenager should be using in open houses. In retrospect, I haven't encountered an enormous challenge when it comes to my communication in English. Thus far, the best part of my internship is discovering new schools in different areas of the city.

Last step : concluding

Finally, I have seen many sort English speakers and hopefully I will uncover new ways to view the differences between two opposing cultures.

as always,


And here is number 4

hello once again all Internet users,

As written in my title, this will be my fourth blog entry. This particular blog entry will mostly be about my language skills and difficulties such as: language interference and what strategies I can apply to prevent any problems or misunderstandings while I would be having a casual conversation.I will also describe how being outside of a class improves my English skills and motivates me on becoming a better language learner.Let's get to it!

Difficulties,challenges and strategies

For many people, French is their first language but mine is Spanish.Strangely, it does not interfere with my communication in English.Ironically, it is definitely my third language who interferes with my English skills,which is French. From time to time, I tend to find more comfort while speaking French than speaking English depending on the subject and context. During my internship, I have not met this problem of mine yet because I prepare myself by talking nothing but English for an entire hour before arriving at my internship. This allows me to search for better and profound words which I can use in a conversation with a principal or a teacher.This is a strategy that I have applied for as long as I can remember.On the other hand, language interference can help me find a certain word or expression by using another language. I believe this is called a cognate; in this case it should be a cross linguistics cognate.

a classroom with no walls

The fact that this class revolves around an internship and not noting taking, helps all students,like myself, apply what they have learned during the past years in a real life situation where they will be forced to look for the right words to express themselves in English. I find this idea ingenious because of all of its aspects. An ordinary classroom may get dull and monotonous owing to the fact that there is a lack of action and excitement. An internship motivates students beyond any regular classroom will ever be able to.This helps students acquire a bank a different language structure,vocabulary and expressions by being submerged into a specific English context.

Moment to conclude

In conclusion, I have yet to face any challenge regarding the fact that my classroom is the world itself and how I wish to keep learning new strategies every day.

best regards,


Here comes the third one!

greetings all,

As you all may know, I am continuously active in my EMSB internship and today i shall describe a couple of conversations that I've had with English speaking teachers and principals. This description will also contain new expressions or words that I have acquired or overheard during my visit to open houses. Furthermore, this blog entry will have some of my cultural observations of the English culture in Montreal.

 New words, New meanings,how exciting!

Recently , I have gone to the JFK high school located near the St-Michel metro and noted how differently people there express themselves.At the beginning, I spoke to a mathematics teacher who thoroughly explained how the school gave the option of choosing some classes in French and others in English. By analyzing her method of speech, I was able to notice that her first language was English. How did Saul acquire this information you may ask ? the answer is simple. As a bilingual, I can predict if people are mostly English or French speakers by hearing nothing but a handful of phrases.One of the signs were that she struggled to explain certain concepts and she frequently depended on hand gestures to get her message through. Oppositely to her English, I discovered how vast and expanded her vocabulary was and I also learned what rambunctious meant. Though she wasn't a linguistics teacher, she taught a new word in a matter of minutes. Nevertheless, my visits do enhance my English speaking abilities.

 what a culture!

Visiting school from the EMSB  have made me exposed frequently to the English culture in Montreal. After many open houses, I am convinced that the English and French culture are very different because of several reasons and examples. To prove this statement, I have noted that in every open house that I have gone to, gentle students greet me with the most utter of respect and offer services such as : tour guides, coffee and even food.Unlike French schools, these students have manners and do not act in a rambunctious matter when they are around adults.I have also notice how English schools have a far more strict dress code and demand that students dress with respect. 

conclusion time !

To conclude my entry, I have learned many new concepts about the English culture and also the differences between English and French school. I hope to continue on these foot steps to become a better linguistics student.

Until next time,


miércoles, 9 de octubre de 2013

Welcome to all,

This is my second blog post about my internship with the EMSB. I will be describing my first evening at an open house and certain things that I have observed during  my time there.

To start off, the 3rd of October 2013 was the beginning of my internship.Unlike the others, My schedule is very flexible. My hours are counted for each open house I visit and so far, I have visited only one. My task was to evaluate the open house of the Royal Vale School from 7 pm until 9 pm. As soon as I stepped into the school, I felt the warm English ambition with every step I took. I noticed how different school can be depending on the language taught in the educational institute. The English culture was present because I observed how the school teachers and principal smiled and welcomed the parents of their students. I also noticed how the English language is spoken unceasingly by the visitors and teachers.During my whole life, I have never been surrounded by so many English speakers at once. It felt very delightful  knowing that other people share a common language with me.Unfortunately, I did not learn any new words nor any new language structures. I hope to learn new words and meanings during my next visit. 

Also, I observed how parents interacted with each other. Their way of speaking English is slightly different than what I expected. I was presuming on hearing much more profound and very explicit, yet what I heard was if I may say the "English Montreal". The mix of French and English completely flabergasted me! That evening, I was not in the company of  my host named Daniel. I think that if he were present, it might have helped me discover new words from an enriched English speaking man. 

In conclusion, my first evening went utterly average and hopefully during my next visit to an open house, I will be closer to my goals of vocabulary enhancement.

on this note,


Hello to all,

This first official blog will be about my first impressions about my internship, its particularities, my expectations from this experience and certain goals that I've set for myself.

First off, I got the honor of having an internship unlike those of my classmates. My teacher, Ms Milsom, thought that I deserved a challenging internship because of my high level of English. Before even meeting with my internship host, I had the task to do an interview with the host and his director. They both worked for the EMSB and we're looking for young and fresh staff because of their originality and creativity. Knowing that I had to pass an interview, the stress slightly got to me, but then told myself that if I got chosen for this interview,it is because I deserved it. The interview was mostly informative and the director would inform me about the tasks that needed to be accomplished. After a few business days, the host, Daniel, contacted me and announced me that I have been chosen and that my main task would be to go to open houses across Montreal and evaluate if the schools were displaying adequately their image.Nevertheless, my expectations skyrocketed as I was preparing myself for this internship.

Lastly, the goals I wish to achieve are the following : enhance and sophisticate my English vocabulary, be at the expectations that my host inputs and getting some knowledge of the English culture of Montreal. With this internship , my main uncertainty will be to not understand certain concepts that I may have to face.On another note, I expect this experience to be very exciting, complex yet motivating for my  personal improvement and to be a good memory stored in my mind for future stories.

This said, goodbye.